
What’s it all about?


Offering hope, simple tools and pathways to self-help solutions for a happier and more fulfilled future


Improving general awareness and education surrounding our subconscious


Encouraging better conversations with ourselves leading to a more balanced and stronger self-opinion


Opening doors for further discussion, and substantiation subject research

How it came about

‘Your Sub’ probably began back in 1990 after the author immersed himself in a career change to financial planning and realising very soon after was short on some sales skill elements which were critical to the role. A specific sales support program demonstrated it was possible (and easier than first anticipated) to get things on a better track. More recently after speaking with a range of personal and professional acquaintances it was uncovered many already use some of the ideas presented in the book, but it is not openly discussed and even less, understood. Our subconscious is, it turns out more than a bit of a mystery, and not extensively studied, prompting action and thoughts and ideas into Your Sub.

After retested previous findings with good outcomes, and coupled with more encouragement, and great collaboration ideas and concepts were brought together into Your Sub.

About the author

Born in the central North Island tourist town of Rotorua in 1966, Deane was the first-born son to a hard-working local couple, whom after daughter Nicky’s arrival, moved to Auckland in 1971. The kids grafted quickly to West Auckland public schooling and
lived innumerable neighbourhood barbeques, monstrous Guy Fawkes celebrations, bike-falls, hit-and-rolling, estuary fishing, denying naughtiness, and staunchly learning the value of a dollar, through as many part-time jobs as could be handled.

Strong support and enthusiasm helped paint a vision that his experiences and ideas could encourage readers to create and nourish stronger, healthier life-habits.

Deane’s full-time employment began in forestry survey draughting, then to industrial sales & marketing through which in 1989 he completed a post-grad Marketing Diploma. A seven-year spell self-employed in financial planning paved the way for marriage to Lesley in 1994. Sprinkled with part-time acting and modelling, the next twenty-three years were largely spent passionately growing a commercial & industrial chemical manufacturing and distribution business – designing and developing multi-sector products and service solutions for end users and corporate partnerships. The couple were blessed with daughter Beau in 2000. Since then, Deane’s also performed with drive-thru band, a popular long-standing cover’s-rock